Letters of Purity

dancer-2602775_1920To you I seem light on the outside, I know.

Dancing and swirling,

frivolous, beautiful, good.

You underline all these words happily,

sitting softly in the clouds of your heart.

My beloved,

you don’t know all the storms which have passed.

Do you?

You didn’t hear the sadness of the guitars,

that didn’t arrive

or how I broke all the strings of attachment,

nor the blissful dying of all that I was.

You didn’t know how many times

I remained all alone,

till I started loving reclusion

more than this room full of people and songs.

I was demolished, and scratched, broken in two,

penetrated with the wounds of this world.

And I barely survived

in a vast sea of voices,

when in truth

I hoping to hear

the most quiet one.

The Tender Heart…

Beware of the Tender Heart.

…of the sparks it sends out when it’s open.

Beware of moving stars.

When Love enters,

you and I are helpless.

You will finally be free of You.

I will be finally free of Me.

We will be emptied like old bottles,

we will be smashed like the

papers of the writer.

Our beautiful disaster

will play a small role in the Rising Sun…

One sun ray will escape the glory of the Heavens

and enter someone else’s heart.

The steel will become tender.


If you had any idea what a Soul endures through Eternity, you would be forever humbled.

Awake. Compassionate. Infused with life, with fire.

Once again, a stranger saved me and reminded me of every chance I got.


My simple words may not be enough for you right now, I know.

While you are chasing this and that in this big wild world outside.

That wild world has poisoned your heart, my beloved.

My promise through the ages was to shake up your castle of security.


Release your heart.

I will meet you on the other side when we are both washed clean…

On the shore.


I had a dream… I dreamed my life is over.

All bitterness – forgotten.

There was a Soul standing on the shore…


& some music…. 



The shortest prayer


My heart wants to come home.





As Above, So Below

“As above,

so below,

as within,

so without,

as the universe,

so the soul…”

Hermes Trismegistus

Strokes-of-a-Brush, Svetlina Trifonova

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Poetry By The Sea

Black Sea, Bulgaria Once upon a June Personal Archive

Poetry lives in the weirdest of places,
for a stranger, it builds a home by the sea,
pours a coffee, breaths of calmness and peace,
kicks wilderness right below in the gut,
questions the point of journeys & races.

Svetlina Trifonova

More Poetry by Svetlina

Poetry of The Guest


I became a lover of my loneliness, 

a great frenemy to its existence.

And although

I was the one to build a home for it, 

I feel as if now

I am a victim of my guest.


Svetlina Trifonova
